Book review: Practicing Medicine and Ethics
Dr Megan Best reviews a book on integrating wisdom, conscience and goals of care.
Dignity in Palliative Care
Dr Megan Best explores the origins of the term ‘Dying with Dignity’ and considers what really constitutes dignified care for those dying.
Book review: Practicing Medicine and Ethics: Integrating Wisdom, Conscience, and Goals of Care
Megan Best reviews Lauris Christopher Kaldjian’s book about Medical Ethics, which examines the place of the individual beliefs of the physician in shared decision making with patients.
The Experience of Gender Incongruity in the Christian Church
In this qualitative research study, Megan Best and Patricia Weerakoon explored the interaction between Christian faith and gender incongruence.
The Dilemma of Prenatal Screening
In this paper, originally published in the journal ‘Ethics and Medicine’, Dr Megan Best discusses the link between routine prenatal screening and disability.
Donor after death
Organ transplantation has become routine in our healthcare system, with organs harvested after death. But how do we know when a person is dead? Watch this space.
An introduction to CRISPR and the Ethics of Gene Editing
Rapid developments in human genetics are changing the way medicine is practised. Watch this space for a paper which explains CRISPR and examines the ethics of altering the human genome.
The conversations we need to have: Personal values, sexual ethics, and the problem of unwanted sexual experiences in universities
In this article published on the ABC Religion & Ethics website, Patrick Parkinson discusses the 2021 report of the National Student Safety Survey, which reported that one in sex students had been sexually harassed in a university setting since starting university. He considers how the incidence of adverse sexual experiences can, realistically, be reduced.
The significance of sex — can it be recovered through consent alone?
Emma Wood discusses whether consent training is an adequate response to the sexual assault epidemic in secondary schools.
Death, Suffering and the Search for Meaning
In these podcasts Michael Jensen and Megan Best discuss issues around the end of life.